About Knowledge-Hub
The Knowledge Hub is an online and offline platform for civil society organisations and government agencies to share their knowledge, expertise and experiences in promoting justice sector reform in Indonesia. The Hub hosts four key communities for partners and contains one repository of offline knowledge sharing sessions – cakap kamisan.
- Anti-Corruption
- Law and Security
- Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE) - This hub has been moved to https://k-hub.id/ since June 2021
- Judicial Reform
- Cakap Kamisan
The three key objectives of the Hub are:
Build communities of practice in civil society.
The Hub provides a space for partners to collaborate with fellow reform-minded organisations. Partners use the platform to share research and host discussion groups to learn from each other’s knowledge, strategies and capabilities. This enables partners to develop more comprehensive and coordinated campaigns in support of reform.Inform government policy makers.
Data and activities on the Hub help inform government policy makers’ views on the progress of justice sector reform in Indonesia. Government partnerships, including between Indonesia’s National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) and Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), draw on the Hub to fill in the gaps in their knowledge and build stronger relationships with each other and civil society.Promote innovation.
The Hub serves as a distribution platform for new and innovative research on justice sector issues. It seeks to connect Indonesian and international communities to share knowledge and stimulate new approaches to tackling justice sector issues.
The Knowledge Hub is owned and shared by civil society and government partners, who are the driving force behind the platform’s content. The partners involved have the authority and responsibility to manage activities/content online and offline, based on the terms of use and the needs of the communities.
In addition to the online Hub platform, two physical locations – consisting of meeting spaces equipped with collaborative tools – are available for partner activities in Jakarta and Makassar.
To access all information about communities, please open menu above.